Saturday, February 17, 2018

Defriend me if you think that it will help

This week we had another school shooting. My heart hurts for those that are feeling loss right now. My heart hurts for our country. My heart hurts hurts for the American people that are so full of hatred right now. My heart just hurts.

The issue seems to me that in these times people don't want to hear anyone else; they want to scream louder. This is true on both sides of the gun control argument. Those who want stricter gun control want to play on emotions. Those that want lesser gun control want to do the same. Here's the reality: BOTH sides want the same thing - a safer America. If we cannot come to the table at least agreeing on that one simple fact, we will never get anywhere. We will continue to debate without end. We will continue to blame instead of resolve. And we will continue to divide rather than unite. This is not political - this is truth.

I've been very silent on this topic for a while but I feel the need to at least get my thoughts out. If you feel the need to defriend me, blame me, call me names or whatever makes you feel better, go ahead. But please know that if and when you are ready to talk, I will be here at the table. So, in light of this, I am going share my opinions. I dare you to read to the end with an open mind. These are my opinions. I am entitled to them just as much as you are entitled to yours.

1. I believe in the 2nd amendment
I have heard recently that the Constitution is a "contract". FALSE. The Constitution is a living document that grants certain rights and privileges to us as Americans. It was carefully written by some vey intelligent men when we fought for our independence. Some will suggest that modern firearms were not around back then and the 2nd amendment was written about muzzle loading guns. If that is the case, does freedom of speech need to be limited to paper and pen? Because Facebook was not around back then either. The ability to reach countless people around the world on a YouTube video could not have been imagined but yet is still protected by the 1st amendment. So no, just because modern firearms were not around in the 1700's is not reason to revoke it now.

2. I possess a lawful License To Carry Firearms
Oh boy...I may be losing some of you here - stick with me - we're friends, right? In my wallet, ready to produce at any time, is a permit that allows me to legally carry a concealed firearm in the state of Pennsylvania. In order to get this permit I had to submit to a thorough background check with my local Sheriff's Office. I waited nearly 30 days for it to be completed and sent to me. That said, I do think that more should have been done. I believe that I should have had to demonstrate a knowledge of firearm safety and skill. This is something that has a lot of room for improvement. I know that some states do have a more in-depth process and I applaud them for that - keep it up!

People will say "but why does anyone need to carry a gun?". The answer is simple. Because bad people carry one. If I make a decision to carry a concealed firearm it is not to cause damage or hurt innocent people. If I do so I do it because we live in a fallen and broken world where there are others that carry a gun desiring to hurt others. If I carry a gun it is because I am willing, when others are ducking for cover, to respond. I do not mean to "shoot wildly" into a crowd. I mean to evaluate the situation and, if safe to do so without further risk to innocents, to respond with the necessary force. I so often pray that I am never in this situation. If I make a decision to concealer a firearm it is not because I seek glory or power. It is because I am willing to protect others around me at any cost.

3. I own a few firearms including an AR-15 in the 5.56/.223 caliber
Uh-oh - some of those left reading are going to be really tempted to leave now, I challenge you not to...
Let's first start with a couple of misconceptions. First - the "AR" in AR-15 does not stand for Assault Rifle. In fact, it stands for Armalite Rifle. Second, the civilian versions that are commonly bought are not automatic weapons. They are semi-auto. That means that when you pull the trigger one and only one bullet will fire, even if you hold the trigger down. Third, the AR-15 is no different than a hunting rifle. Does it look different - maybe even "scary? Sure it does. But the function is the same. You chamber a round, a firing pin strikes said round creating a mini-explosion thus propelling the bullet forward while ejecting the spent brass. The AR-15 is capable of using a standard 30 round magazine. Yes, that's a lot of bullets. But guess what - you can do the same for a .22 rifle or any number of other more common "hunting rifle".

All of that said, do I need an AR-15 to protect my home? Absolutely not. If someone breaks into my house, I am not searching with my AR. If ISIS launches an attack is my AR-15 going to protect me? Maybe a for a short time but I promise that it will not last. So why do I need one? I don't. I do not need an AR-15. I have one because it's fun to shoot at the range. Does anyone need a car capable of driving 100+ MPH? No, they get one because they're fun to drive.

4. Banning guns will not solve the problem
In times like this there are many championing for banning all guns or at least banning the AR-15. I'm sorry but this will not help. We NEED to remember a basic fact that criminals, by definition, do not follow laws. Every single one of these mass shooters already broke laws. We have made drugs illegal yet we are currently facing a massive opioid epidemic in America. We have made drinking and driving illegal yet the CDC reports that every day 28 people die in the United States as a result of a car accident involving an impaired driver. That comes out to more than 10,000 per year. Yet we do not ban the cars...we hold the drive accountable.

We need to treat firearms in the same manner. Let's stop people from buying a legal gun when they have criminal records. Let's follow the laws already in place. Let's make it harder for a bad guy to get a gun YES! Let's do that! I will gladly submit to a background check. I will gladly accept a waiting period before I can take ownership of a gun (PA used to have a 3 day waiting period...). I firmly believe in strict background checks. I firmly believe in doing everything that we can to make it as difficult as possible for a bad guy to buy a gun. However, I also recognize that if they want it, they will get it or they will find another way to carry out their destruction. We've seen that many times. We've seen them use planes, pressure cookers, vans, knives and anything that they can get their hands on.

5. We cannot believe all of the stats online...
By now we have probably all see that Florida was the 18th school shooting this year. The Washington Post did an article recently that showed what is counted in that. Some of the shootings included in that statistic are suicides, training accidents, an elementary student pulling the trigger on a police officer's fact, the majority of these were after school hours and resulted in no injuries.

That said, the fact that a single school shooting happens is tragic. And yes, we need to do something. First, people that own firearms need to be trained on how to use them so that accidents are not happening. When carrying a concealed firearm, it needs to be secured so that someone cannot accidentally pull the trigger. We ALL need to be responsible. And we need to hold people accountable. And we need to make it difficult for bad people to buy guns.

6. No body wants school shootings
Personally, I am tired of being blamed for the bad people out there. No, I do not "love my guns more than kids". Yes, I can send my "thoughts and prayers" while still being a believer in the 2nd amendment. When did we become so divided that we cannot have a difference of opinion while still caring and praying for others? As I said at the top, both sides want the same thing We all want a safer America, safer schools, safer work places, safer neighborhoods...

The way that we think that this is accomplished is different but the end goal is the same. If we cannot start there, we are truly doomed. I actually wonder how many want to solve this epidemic and how many just want to blame others. Just because some of us believe in the right to own/carry a firearm does not mean that we want mass shootings. It means that we believe in the right to defend ourselves. Just because someone believes that guns are bad and not necessary does not mean that they want more of these shootings either. It means that they believe that less guns will cause less deaths. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Until we come to the same table to talk, we will never get anywhere. And those that desire to carry out heinous crimes will win because we will be too busy blaming one another to actually stop them.

Maybe when we start a real dialogue we will realize that we have more in common than we thought...

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly well said. Don't 100% agree with everything but overall we are more on the same page than on different ones. Glad to see a rational statement about this horrible issue. And, I was unfriended by someone today for having a small polite difference of opinion on self-same subject. Until people get over their egos and their paranoia and come to the table to talk, more kids will die. People don't seem to what to discuss this issue other than throwing around accusations. Maybe it is me, but the majority of my FB friends are American, yet the majority of people who have posted anything about this on FB have been non US citizens who seem to be more upset by what is going on there and more willing to discuss it. Maybe we can be more objective as we don't have this gun violence issue in Kenya or the UK. I don't know.


"I wanna be like you"

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